Author: Denise Andes
The Cartography of the Heart
The Cartography of the Heart, part 2

1.) Bio-luminescence: living things that emit light. There is much conversation about self-love and how, exactly, to obtain this elusive and sacred state. There is also much conversation about self-sabotage/self-hatred—the ‘shadow’. The interplay of light and shadow is evident in all living things, be it shimmering on the earth’s surface,…
The Cartography of the Heart, Part 3
The Cartography of the Heart, Part 4

Finding the truth and making it beautiful Allow the space between the words. Your life will deepen. I have written about ‘self-hatred’ as it is something that enters my office weekly…sometimes cloaked in depression or anxiety, sometimes in the form of a sword…ready for battle against the enemy. In other words—sometimes…